West Shore Prenatal Massage

440-915-1577 info@wsprenatalmassage.com

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FAQs: Oncology Massage

Is it safe for cancer patients to receive massage? 

Yes, under most circumstances with appropriate precautions.  Massage during cancer was poorly perceived for decades, due to the myth that it promoted metastasis (spread of cancer).  However, this myth has long been debunked and supplanted by research indicating the wide-ranging benefits of oncology massage.  Reduction of pain, fatigue, and nausea are some of the reported benefits that have led to oncology massage at dozens of hospitals and cancer support centers across the country.  In fact, 9 out of the Top 10 Hospitals for Cancer support massage for cancer patients (with 8 of them -- including the Cleveland Clinic -- providing the service on-site). 

Do I need my doctor's permission to receive oncology massage?

Yes.  Currently, we will accept a simple note giving permission for massage therapy.  Updated forms to provide a detailed clearance will be available shortly.  

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