West Shore Prenatal Massage


About Your Therapist
Gift Certificates (general)
Gift Certificates

You've probably heard the advice to "Make sure your therapist has had
special training in ________" or  "Find a member of a reputable association like the AMTA or ABMP."
Although I do believe that some therapists are able to provide a great prenatal massage without formal education, you will certainly stack the odds in your favor by seeking someone with specific training! For further thoughts on this, including suggestions for screening potential therapists, please visit FAQs. 
Click links to verify credentials in the therapist database:

 Prenatal Massage       Carole Osborne: Pre- & Perinatal Massage Therapy  
 Prenatal Massage      Elaine Stillerman: MotherMassage 

Professional Memberships

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP)

Society for Oncology Massage

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